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NNN#1 (Secret) - Wesley, Occasionally Willow. Hope Her Parents Don't Find Out.
NNN#2 (Choice) - Dan, Currently Diamond. Stuck as the Barracks Bunny.
NNN#3 (Reluctance) - Anthony, Currently Tonya. Breaking Professional Boundaries.
NNN#4 (Inevitable) - Robert, Currently Rosa. Does She Remember Her Safeword?
NNN#6 (Bimbo) - Alan, Now Alana. Made Her Best Life.
NNN#7 (Lucky Day) - Steve & Tom, Currently Stella and Tomi. Changing Their Friend's
NNN#9 (Short) - Carlos, Now Regularly Carly. Was a Little Short.
NNN#10 (Public) - Wesley, Currently Willow. Full Time Holiday Girlfriend.
NNN#12 (Passion) - Jack, Currently Janna. Maybe Wanting To Be His New Girlfriend.
NNN#13 (Superstitious) - Denny, Currently Dana. Begging That Her Luck Improves.
NNN#14 (Prank) - Clark, Currently Clara. Enjoying Her Own Joke.
NNN#15 (Dating) - Tony, Current Tammy. Successful Dating Life.
NNN#16 (Sex Doll) - Dom, Currently Dolly. Brand New Sex Toy.
NNN#17 (Fine Print) - Timmy, Now On Live TV As Tegan.
NNN#19 (Social Media) - Ken, Occasionally Kenzie. Popular On Socials.
NNN#20 (Goth) - Mark, Now Mara. Wild Goth Girl.
NNN#23 (Tricked) - Luke, Currently Luna. Making a Name for Herself.
NNN#24 (Side Effect) - Tom, Currently Tia. Unwanted Side Effects.
NNN#25 (Comply) - Luis, Occasionally Lana. Just Easier to Comply.
NNN#26 (Swell) - Paul, Now Pauline. Success in Weight Gain.
NNN#27 (Good Deal) - Johnny, Occasionally Joanna. Learning The Trade.
NNN#28 (Bad Deal) - Cameron, Currently Cammy. One Bad Deal.
NNN#29 (Anticipation) - Ramon, Currently Rana. Showing Her Feelings Openly.
NNN#30 (Party) - Danny, Currently Danielle. Providing Extra Service.
Joel, Now Jenna. Bully's Personal Bitch.
Billy, Occasionally Bunny. Can't Stay Away From Her Teammate's Dick.
Isaac, Currently Isla. Making the Most of a Mix Up.
Lenny, Regularly Lana. Motivational Aspiration.
NNN#8 (Tied Up) - Craig, Occasionally Cindy. Interning Sucks.
NNN#5 (Retro) - -Jim, Was Janna Multiple Times.
NNN#21 (Hard Work) - Daniel, Occasionally Danni. Hard Working Maid.
Denny to Dana. Fantasy Made Reality.
NNN#11 (Trouble) - Alvaro, Still In Trouble as Alina.
NNN#22 (Teaching) - Mr Timson, Currently Tammy. New Addition To The Cheer Team.
NNN#18 (Outdoors) - Logan, Currently Lara. Prefers Riding Stick To Driving.
Jason to Janice. Rise of the Slut. (Part 2 of a collab with u/hardboiledegg4)
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Sam, Now Sarah. Escalating Date.
Luke, Now Permanently Lucy. Bully's Bimbo Baby Momma.
Luke, Now Lucy. Personal Bimbo Slave.
Samuel, Now Ruby. No Longer Feeling Down.
Jeremy, Currently Chloe. Suppressing Slutty Urges.
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She could never compete with this anyway
Jeremy, Now Jeri. Maybe Not So In Charge.
Jeremy, Now Jeri. Enjoying Her New Position.
James and Rob, Now Jemma and Rana, Having a good time
Having fun at college!
Worried you might like it?
Mike, Now Indefinitely Michelle
Jeremy, Now Jeri. Solving Company Morale