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Mega Man catches Crash Man's time bombs
Rush breaks rock with his bite
Switched back to Clark Kent in a second
Mega Man shoots a hole into the bottom of a monorail
Rock is not affected by Dr. Wily's hacking device
Punches through rock
Mega Man using Quick Man's weapon was capable of cutting through metal bars.
Snake Man's weapon eats through metal
Mega Man carries a part of a large, metal telephone pole (Rush can carry both Mega
Proto Man blows apart a metal fence
Rush can drag the weight of tons of metal scraps. However, he can drag it at high
Mega Man bends a metal pipe
Mega Man catches and throws a large metal pipe with one arm
Mega Man copies Metal Man's blade. He uses it to cut through the floor.
Mega Man blows up the top off this large rock
Rush can carry Eddie inside his body
Turles shoots two blast. One causes a giant explosion and the second kills Icarus
Mega Man and Rush survive a helicopter crash and explosion.
Proto Man is hurt from the explosion but is relatively fine
Mega Man tanks an explosion to the face
Mega Man blew up Spark Mandrill's electric charged rock and resisted being blown
Mega Man survives the high-powered explosion of a missile but is badly injured
Mega Man shoots the roof of the cave causing a explosion that sends a lot of rocks
Mega Man dodges Proto Man's blast. The clash of their blasts causes a small explosion.
Mega Man pushes a cart so hard that it knocks down Guts Man and Cut Man
Mega Man dodges Cut Man's blade with ease. He then kicks Cut Man hard enough into
Mega Man melts a hole in Guts Man's foot. Guts Man has Cut Man's blade harmlessly
Rush can turn into an underwater propulsion device
Mega Man lifts and swings around a crane's claw.
While swinging, Mega Man kicks Proto Man into a jet-engine
Mega Man has sunglasses that are capable of blocking out intense light
Mega Man shoots a grappling hook that embeds itself into the ceiling, then he swings
Mega Man gets hit in the face by Guts Man swinging a pole but isn't hurt. Shoots
Proto Man easily dodges Rock (Mega Man before becoming a Super Fighting Robot)
Mega Man copies the schematics for the robotic web
Robot Soldiers tank Krillin's attacks and Krillin hurts himself
Mega Man blows off a manhole cover and then a robot spider's webbing (which is a
Mega Man blows up several robots
Mega Man can uses a Super Blast which shoots a large ball of plasma. It wipes out
Mega Man kicks a trashcan hard enough to send two large robots flying
Proto Man knows how to reprogram other robots
The Armored Squadron pose
Mega Man's blast overpowers Ice Man's freeze beam and causes a large explosion in
After grabbing something, the robot soldiers can shoot blast at their opponent
Mega Man blasts through the platform Wily and co are standing on
Proto Man aims and takes out the wheel on a bus while it drives at him at high speed
Mega Man and Rush push a bus up a steep incline
Mega Man barely escapes the explosion caused by Spark Mandrill
Wave Man's weapon previously caused three robots to break into pieces
Rush bites into Wave Man's metal arm. He then gets blasted by Wave Man's weapon,
Mega Man copies Wave Man's weapon allowing him to shoot a torrent so strong that
Rush catches Cut Man's blade with his tail and throws it back
Mega Man lifts and moves a dinosaur's tail. Then slams a door on the tail hard enough
Rush rams into the Cudabots so hard that they break into pieces
Mega Man copies Toad Man's ability to create acid rain.
Mega Man shoots a blast that instantly evaporates water and turns it into rain.
Rush avoids 80 laser cannons, 50 missile launchers, and 24 pulse-powered, photon
Rush has 5,000 pounds per square inch jaw pressure
Mega man is outfitted with Dr. Light's Super Turbine-Powered Underwater Defense Apparatus.
Proto Man shoots a plasma blast that absolutely destroys this tree