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zarya 2k visible confusion as to where the grav is 19-08-05 00-25-41
roadhog 3k most random 3k ever lul 19-11-11 23-14-53
soldier 1k how the fuck did i live so long wtf 20-11-23 01-43-34
echo 2k i threw them into the dragon kek comp 20-05-23 03-38-36
zarya 0k fuck that tire comp 19-11-20 01-44-41
mccree 2k get fucking destroyed comp ffa 19-06-24 02-40-42
ashe 1k unluckiest man alive lmao 20-09-08 20-48-50
incredibly unlucky death as pharah 20-08-27 22-40-04
junkrat 1k get absolutely rolled pharah comp 20-08-27 22-10-07
tracer 1k scaring ashe to death lul 20-08-28 03-56-29
tracer 1k nastiest stick ever ffa 20-12-12 04-45-17
mccree 1k poor tracer kek 20-12-23 03-12-33
tracer 3k nutty stick ffa 20-06-13 01-00-19
widow 3k nasty play 20-09-04 20-17-19
dva 2k godlike outplay to ks the mercy mystery ffa 20-05-26 20-36-24