Porn Video Gifs


Visual porn video gifs

String art on acid
KochCurveFormulaFlow (Desert Dwellers - Crossing Beyond (Mumukshu Remix))
Whats with these parrots?
Dude, these rocks are alive! (Pattern recognition, recursion, color shifting)
This Friendly Entity Says "Hi"
Acidified Sunset Clouds
"Dude, the grass is looking at me!" Pattern recognition experienced on
These Acidified Trees Have Eyes (Psychedelic replication)
Getting more intense
Recursive forest
Zero to 300ug in 4 seconds
Sub-breakthrough DMT Kitty
This tattoo on psychedelics
This weird wavy view at Aberystwyth beach
Standing at this rocky beach on acid
Staring at the beach for too long
Another quick flash from dmt space
A random flash of CEVs
Forest path recursion test
This place is going nuts! (embedded geometry experiment)
I See You! (Brief memory from DMT)
Staring back into your own eyes on psychedelics (Pattern recognition enhancement
It's like this painting is watching me (Psychedelic Embedded Geometry Experiment)
DMT Geometry experiment
Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii........ (brief memory from dmt)
Walk around the Acid forest
On my way back home (Another brief memory of dmt)
Spiral ball
Arbitrary Catalyst
Raving with entities
Remember me?
Skin patterns on acid
This patch of Pumpkins
I can see through that coffee
A little bit too much (400ug+)
Theres something about this tree
Changa road on a rainy day
It's like this wall is alive or something (Embedded geometry experiment)
Hiiiiiiii! I've got a lot to tell you! (brief memory from DMT)
And there was this weird weird entity thing.... (DMT cev experiment)
Next iteration of a memory from that weird space
This snake definitely knows whats up (Embedded Geometry experienced on psychedelics)
I wonder whats with this tree (Psychedelic OEVs)
"It just a mandala, dude"  (Made this replication in a state I tried to
High Dose Sunset Field (Embedded geometry experiment)
Sometimes rocks tend to do that (Embedded geometry experiment)
Void Realm two hundred
Staring at the end of the hall on acid (Recursion experiment)
Staring at this tapestry under blacklight
Focusing on your senses for way too long
Embedded Geometry experienced on psychedelics
Fractal Tree
Falling up again (Brief memory of DMT)
Inverted Eye Space (brief memory from DMT)
Quick burst of memory from deemteee
Hello, Brain! (Entity experiment)
Look, those patterns are floating in air! (On Psychedelics)
Been staring at this place for too long (Psychedelic embedded geometry experiment)
This friendly entity wants to give you a hug (Fractalization experiment)
This wiggly Entity says Hiii