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Someone built a ramp for these ducklings
Just paddle boarding in 3ft of water
That looks like stupid fun
Day 5 of quarantine
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Soba Vortex
seagull eat rat whole
Just a normal guy walking his normal dogs
The zen master
He really likes the slide at the park , Paws up
Strong independent dog don't need no human to go for a walk
His pain is immeasurable and his day is ruined
Brixel Mirror made up of 540 bricks, black on one side and mirrored on the other.
Don't judge me it's my comfy spot
Later my dudes my Hydro Homies need me
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Anybody else miss live sports?
Elemental Gases in Front of a Mini Tesla Coil
Best friends come in all shapes and sizes
Day 10 in quarantine
Shadow protecting little brother Chance
Beautiful flowers with an amazing view
Approximately 3,000 feet below sea level is a detritus feeding sea-creature known
Mrs.Happy Gilmore
Clowns helping their fellow man put on a mask
Monkeys in a Thai island Piak Nam Yai searching for food underwater
Don't forget masks help stop the spread of diseases!
The Dugong, or “Sea Cow”, is a herbivorous marine mammal that is the last representative
HumaN aTTEMPts to ShOOt DOG in tHe FAcE , gETs MAUlEd INsTeaD
When a professional cameraman becomes a dad.
Fetch the stick, boy!
Boys will be Boys
Bath time
Splish splash just a kitty taking a bath
Bath Bomb
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New post  Sister Mary Jo
Awesome pool tricks
Then I went straight to the principal's office
No mercy!
Chocolate Labrador called Juno. Drawn by Pritch_Art on Instagram
He really likes his new bed
When your neighbor flexes his dope new Christmas gifts.
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For my non-essential homies
This little old lady has a peculiar tic. She decides that some floors are impossibly
Recycle old T shirt
Perfect match
No time to stop and wave for the camera, grandma came to fucking mosh