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14-year-old one armed catcher throwing the ball with no trouble
Goal ball is a sport created for blind people
Hey, did you see my new stuffed toy?
Magical Pokémon bush
Tiny nymph mantis stalking and snatching a fly nearly the same size as it is
A tiny echidna hatching out of an egg
Sméagol wants it, Sméagol needs it. Sméagol must have his precious cucumber!
What a sweet looking dope
Kitten looks like a little tough guy
Sleepy cat cuddling their human's hand
Cat takes their window watching quite seriously
Someone’s a bit stumped about how to scratch themselves
Cats do not abide by the laws of physics
Loving parents
Cat slowly coming to terms with a weasel’s affection
Lynx that fell asleep on a porch gets woken up by its tiny doppleganger
Cat makes a daring escape after being corner
We always knew Jon Snow would ride a dragon one day. It was foreshadowed so heavily
Balloons filled with a highly reactive acetylene exploded when they hit electrical
Police officer performs a perfect “Ippon sionage” judo technique against a man
Two cats watching a bird outside their window
Pupper making friends with a deer and racing them along a fence
Perfect flow of hydraulic oil
Incredibly tiny octopus looks like a baby leviathan
Sea lion investigating a scuba diver’s camera
GoPro strapped to a hammerhead’s fin gives a first person POV of the shark’s
In 2011, a P-51D Mustang crashed into a crowd at the Reno Air Races
The cells found in a cuttlefish’s skin can lock in place to create new textures
Pike inhales a smaller fish
Majestic lion emerging from the mists of a South African reserve
Beautiful kingfisher showing the full degree of their head rotation
Berner Oberland, Switzerland
Good boy helping out an overly curious cat
Crocodile powering itself out of the water
Wildlife photographer attempting to take photos of meerkats
Slicing a pomegranate
Giant anteater mother carrying her baby on her back
Kevin! What did I say about talking to strangers?
Cobra unfurling its hood
Massive bull elephant passing by on a reserve in Africa
Baby elephant bravely charges a photographer
Pupper practicing his sneaking skills
High five! (@luna_the_golden1015)
Camouflage cat
An albino peacock unfurling its plumage in a gorgeous display
Kitten has a unique way of getting down a bookcase
Bathroom door that turns opaque when it’s locked
Girl has some serious bow staff moves
If I walk onto the clearer ice
Trust fall
Actor of the year
He was a skater boi
Pupper’s casual murder attempt gets foiled
Handful of chameleons
Blowing up coil balloons
Smiling for the camera (@pabloandthings)
Police officer sneaking a kiss on his partner
Sméagol must haves it!
Cat covering their head in the most adorable way when they wake up (@dlghen)
*Confused ear flops*